• If for any reason you are not satisfied with a purchase, the item(s) can be returned for a product exchange or store credit (for 1 year) within 14 days from the first attempt of delivery.
  • Items must be posted in the mail within 14 days of receiving your order. Any items posted after this time frame may be denied.
  • In order for returns to be accepted, all items must be in perfect condition with security tag and original packaging.
  • Returns will NOT be accepted for items that have been labelled NON-RETURNABLE in the product description. These are usually seasonal products, products with a discount rate of 30% or more and CUSTOM MADE items which are excluded from exchange process. Furthermore the items that are part of a set can not be returned separately.
  • Changes to another colour or code are made at your own expense.
  • The current cost per change is 5 euros per shipment for Greece and 10 euros for Cyprus.The respective cost refers to the courier companies cooperating with us.


  • We do NOT refund.
  • In case of a defect (in the fabric or torn) please send an e-mail to our customer care team to


***MARELLE reserves the right to deny a return if items are returned used, soiled, worn or damaged in any way or have any form of excessive hair, perfume or scents on the fabric. These soiled or damaged items will be returned to sender. You will be notified via email if your returned item is not suitable for a refund.

***We recommend returning items through traceable mail, as MARELLE cannot proceed to exchange product on items that are not received. We also recommend that customers ask for proof of postage at the time of posting returned items.


Please return all items to the address below.